BlueBox Software and Consulting, LLC
Hi. I’m Jay Kellett, founder, owner, and sole employee of BlueBox Software and Consulting, LLC.
Since 1998, BlueBox has helped companies solve problems related to training, automation, and performance support. Drawing from degrees in Instructional Technology, Business Management, and Psychology, I strive to design solutions to unique problems that save time and money while creating value and automation.
BlueBox is located in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but serves local, national, and international clients. If any of the solutions here look like problems your organization is currently experiencing, let’s talk.
Notable Projects
- TestTrack Learning Management System — Co-founder, co-owner, and lead developer. TTLMS is a full-featured, low-cost, highly flexible learning solution for companies of any size. Click here for more information.
- Custom 360 Assessment Tool — Designed and developed a custom 360 assessment tool for a third party based on their proprietary methods of analysis and reporting. Used in multiple federal agencies.
- Two Published Books — Co-author and Technical Editor for two books from Macromedia Press (now Adobe Press) on web application development.
- Custom Instructional Design — Used instructional system design (ISD) principles to develop multiple training courses for a variety of clients. Developed online courses, instructor-led classes, and blended learning. Clients included federal agencies and Fortune 500 companies.
- University Faculty — Taught graduate and undergraduate classes at two universities. Topics included Learning Management System Administration, Web Development, and Introduction to Computer Science.
- Clinical Resource Estimation Tool (CREST) — Designed and developed a tool for planning resources and timelines for clinical research trials for a third party. Leveraging their in-house expertise, the tool incorporated hundreds of formulas on the drug development process and output the results into Microsoft Project for immediate implementation.
- Rental Control Extranet — Designed and developed a web-based extranet for a company specializing in rental computer equipment used in large federal trials. Analyzed needs of clients, project managers, and other staff to allow proposals to be quickly generated, equipment usage to be maximized, and invoicing and payments to be expedited. Integrated back-end with inventory control and accounting systems.
- Catalog Operation and Production System (COPS) — Designed, developed, and customized system for multi-user editing of catalog information via a web-portal. Used inData and inCatalog plug-ins to automate the creation of InDesign documents.
- Custom Web Calculator — Designed a web-based calculator/wizard to simplify the collection and calculation of important data for a federal agency.
- Custom Marketing/Association Sites and Portals — Developed over a dozen custom portals for marketing, non-profit associations, and user management.
- BlueBox Invoices — Designed and developed commercial invoicing package focused on small companies and contractors. While no longer in active development, it is used by hundreds of clients around the globe.
Notable Tools/Technologies/Languages
HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, ColdFusion, SQL, Web Services, Web Sockets, Captivate, Lectora, Storyline, SCORM, AICC, xAPI, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Objective-C, Swift , Authorware, Filemaker Pro, Director, FinalCut Pro, PayPal API, API